Extra Life Fundraising is OPEN!

BOOM goes the sign-ups

There was some serious discussion to whether or not I would get 5-7 people willing to do a 24 hour D&D marathon for charity. I’m now sitting at 4 tables filled to capacity and I am looking at opening a 5th one to allow in a couple of waitlisters and balance out the tables. That is 32 people, counting the DMs running the tables. It is both awesome, and daunting…

Dungeon Master Donation Pages

I have put up the DM donation options (other than just donating what you want to support this awesome children’s charity) on my page. The other DMs will be adding a similar one shortly. If you cannot attend, or are not a D&D player, but still want to support our efforts, throw a little on a DM page. My DMs for this event are: (click on their names to donate to their efforts)

Player Donation Pages

There are 28 players so far, but the ones that have started a donation page are: (click on the names to go to their donation page)

Video Streaming

My hope is to offer a Twitch video stream of the event. We will see how possible that is. Equipment and a video person willing to do it is the key. In the event that it happens, I will post specifics here.

What It All Means

For me, it means there is a children’s charity getting some extra money and a dialog is being opened about the needs of these kids and their families. In my family, growing up as a young gamer in the making, this has always been part of what we do. For my father it was the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethons. Mine is on a much smaller scale…

It also shows there are others willing to take this challenge in an effort to raise money. Which means this is likely going to be an event we continue to do in future years. Assuming this year goes off without a hitch.

Thank You

As a preemptive strike, I want to thank all the players, DMs and donors to the event. You are making a direct difference in the lives of children and families in need in my community.

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